Dec 14, 2004

How to access concurrent output via a browser, outside apps?

The example included returns an url, which will give you the log file of request 194790. Oracle apps manages this via the fndwrr executable. The temp_id is an encrypted number, generated by the apps software.

l_request_id number := 194790;
l_two_task varchar2(256);
l_gwyuid varchar2(256);
l_url varchar2(1024);
select profile_option_value
into l_gwyuid
from fnd_profile_options o, fnd_profile_option_values ov
where profile_option_name = 'GWYUID'
and o.application_id = ov.application_id
and o.profile_option_id = ov.profile_option_id;
select profile_option_value
into l_two_task
from fnd_profile_options o, fnd_profile_option_values ov
where profile_option_name = 'TWO_TASK'
and o.application_id = ov.application_id
and o.profile_option_id = ov.profile_option_id;
l_url := fnd_webfile.get_url
file_type => fnd_webfile.request_log,
id => l_request_id,
gwyuid => l_gwyuid,
two_task => l_two_task,
expire_time => 100 -- minutes, security!.
dbms_output.put_line( l_url);