Jan 28, 2004

The output from hr_utility.set_location can be redirected to dbms_output. This has an upper limit of 1 Mb. Since the assignment api's generate tons of tracing ,the 1 Mb can not be enough.

In that case, you can redirect your tracing to Oracle trace files.

Hr_Utility.set_trace_options(UPPER( 'trace_dest:trace_file'));

Jan 16, 2004

We encountered some problems with the pre-payment process for third party payment methods.

By adding some trace code into the package HR_PRE_PAY, we could knock down the issue.

fnd_file.put_line( 1, 'your message');

The line above adds some lines to the log file of the concurrent request.

Jan 9, 2004

When you change or create a balance route, you have to recompile all fast formulas, since the route text is part of the fast formula package code.

Bulk compile of fast formulas: $FF_TOP/bin/FFXBCP apps/apps 0 Y %% %%

Jan 7, 2004

Oops, deleted data, and 2 hours later my report was not working anymore. And the dba was not in to restore the table.

Flashback queries saved me.

SELECT * FROM xxrs_pay_balance_redefinitions

Jan 5, 2004

The API for assignment extra information types requires that there is a line for your session in the Fnd_sessions table, since some of the queries rely on that datetrack information.