Dec 20, 2010

Payroll 13th month

A monthly payroll has 12 periods, but a customer requested a 13th run, so that all corrections made over 2010 would still be processed in 2010.

By using the standard processes a little bit smarter, we achieved the goal.

Retropay was launched so that the differences were created in December again.

The Payroll ran again for December with an element set, that contained only retro element types. So only the differences found by Retropay were processed by the second December run.

And just a tweak of the (custom) payslip, so that only run results of that latest run were shown, completed the picture.

And the post-payroll processes pick up all results of both December runs.

Oct 29, 2010

Upgrade stories : Bursting

The parameters of the concurrent "XML Publisher Report Bursting Program" have changed between 11i and R12. Oracle added a new parameter, before the previously defined 2 parameters.

The new and hidden parameter is called "Dummy for Data Security", and is defaulted by "select xdo_cp_data_security_pkg.get_concurrent_request_ids from dual".

Sep 12, 2010

Upgrade stories : Web Adi error

Launching Web ADI from HR forms throws a http 404 error under Internet Explorer. Firefox shows a more meaningful "Resource /OA_HTML/oracle.apps.bne.webui.BneApplicationService not found on this server".

After some digging, it was found that the web html call of seeded and custom Web ADI forms functions had 'oracle.apps.bne.webui.' before 'BneApplicationService'.

It looks like the upgrade scripts do not clean that up correctly.

Upgrade stories : 12.1.2 or 12.1.3

So which version to choose from?

12.1.2 is out for a while, so a nice list of fixes exists already.

12.1.3 is new on the block from August 2010 on. Going for this version brings you to the latest and finest verion of the eBusiness Suite. And will fix some previous bugs. And will introduce some new bugs.

To make things a little more complicated, Metalink states:

"R12.HR_PF.B.Delta.3 (9114911) - Oracle HRMS RUP 3: This is the lowest level of HRMS Release Update Pack (RUP) on which Netherlands Payroll customers are supported for 2010/11 Year End processing and statutory updates effective from 01-Jan-2011."

And this Rup 3 is already included in the 12.1.3 version, but is an extra Rup to install on top of 12.1.2.

I gonna propose 12.1.3. Either way we will have issues to fix, so it seems better to fix them in the latest version. As such, the customer is one relaese point higher, and support can not ask you to upgrade to 12.1.3.

Upgrade stories : Extended support for 11.5.10

Plan is to blog some articles about ongoing R12 upgrades, within the HCM domain.

If you are on 11.5.10 right now :
- Premier support ends by November 2010
- you are forced into Extended support from December 2010 on
- Oracle does not bill extra money for the extended support for the first year
- So you pay extra money for Extended support from December 2011 on

You can avoid the extra money, if
- you talk to your account manager
- Oracle revises their extra money support policy, or extends the grace period
- you upgrade to R12 (which will cost you also money)

Count your options.

Jul 17, 2010

Retropay by Employee

I'm posting the last time a lot about Apex. While in reality I'm mainly busy with Oracle Payroll.

If your legislation uses advanced or enhanced retropay, there is the RetroNotifications process to run, to identify which employees have retrospective changes.

And in a next step, you run the RetroPay process. The enhanced version does not have any assignment set parameter anymore. In other words, the people selected by RetroNotifications will be processed by Retropay.

We have now a customer that wants to see the effect of changes in the past as soon as possible on a payslip.

So we engineered a RetroPay by Employee process, on top of the standard Retropay process. It forces an assignment into retropay, runs retropay for all assignments of an employee (yes, multi-assignments), and runs the payroll for all these assignments. All in one process.

It is now part of our Popay Payroll Toolkit.

Jun 18, 2010

Apex 4.0

Oracle will never confirm this, but I guess Apex 4.0 will see the light before the end of the worldcup.

This could be understood in between the lines of what was told at the OBUG Apex SIG day in Belgium yesterday.

The feature list looks impressive, and with all demonstrations seen yesterday, I have a way better understanding of the way forward.

But I'm still wondering how to use Websheets in an eBusiness suite context.

And by the way: how to integrate Apex with a version control system is still an open question for me.

May 1, 2010

Apex on R12 - patch 7377023

This patch brings back the good old SSWA plsql menu functions on R12. And in more recent versions of R12, they are part of the base install.

That does not mean that the eBS team supports mod_plsql. No. But it gives more possibilities to integrate Apex on Apps.

- Oracle supports Apex
- Oracle supports mod plsql
- Oracle does not support customizations
- Oracle eBS does not support customizations
- Oracle eBS does not support mod plsql anymore
- Oracle eBS does not support Apex applications

So bottomline: Apex on Apps in R12 is supported within Oracle, but not by the eBS team.

The readme of the patch says :
Mod_plsql technology is supported by Oracle Server Technologies Support teams.
Oracle E-Business Suite Support and Development is unable to provide
instructions or diagnostic assistance on any issues that arise from custom
development using mod_plsql.

Apr 6, 2010

Fusion on the iPad?

Too many posts these days about the iPad, so one more will not make the difference.

The last (and only) demo I saw from Fusion looked a lot like Flash. But there is not a lot of love lost between Apple and Flash. Meaning that Oracle has still to release their next gen platform, but will not be able to use the next gen client device.

Mar 1, 2010

Apex 4.0 Release date

Patrick Wolf shows again a good reason why we should look forward for the 4.0 release of Apex. Cascading LOVs for dummies.

But one little phrase makes me think that the 4.0 production release is not yet for tomorrow. "(Note: Popup LOV and List Manager will be added as well in the final product)". So not yet code complete ...

Jan 23, 2010

Busy busy busy

3 customers are live this month with payroll in the Netherlands. So i hope you understand that there was not that much time to maintain this blog.

So 14000 people more receive an Oracle payslip this month.

The errors we correct next month with Retropay.